Our responses to planning applications

Our responses to Local Plan consultations are available in the Resources section. These are some of the planning applications we have responded to over the past year:
East Staffordshire Borough Council
P-2023-00416: Partial demolition of the former Abbots Bromley School Buildings, conversion and extension of the remaining school buildings to form 60 dwellings (27 for over 55s), erection of 58 dwellings and garaging (8 for over 55s) and a detached Community Store. Abbots Bromley School For Girls High Street Abbots Bromley Staffordshire WS15 3BW.
P/2023/00417: Listed Building Consent for the partial demolition of the former Abbots Bromley School Buildings, internal and external alterations to facilitate the conversion and extension of the remaining school buildings to form 60 dwellings (27 for over 55s) Abbots Bromley School For Girls High Street Abbots Bromley Staffordshire WS15 3BW.
We supported these two related applications, stating that we do not object to the conversion of disused buildings into housing. The site is within the Abbots Bromley settlement boundary and would be within walking distance of local services. We suggested partnering with a car-sharing or car club scheme from the start.
Stafford Borough Council
23-37587-OUT: Outline Planning Application for the erection of 36 dwellings (Use Class C3) including 32 Affordable Units, 4 Custom/ Self-Build Plots; Access, Layout and Landscaping with the Matters of Appearance and Scale Reserved. Land Off Old Croft Road Walton On The Hill Stafford Staffordshire.
Reasons for objection: inappropriate greenfield site at the edge of Stafford, close to Cannock Chase National Landscape. A previous very similar application was previously refused.
23-36938-FUL: Installation and operation of solar farm and energy storage system with associated landscaping, underground cabling, works, equipment and infrastructure. Lower Farm Drointon Lane, Grindley.
23-37149-FUL: Construction of a ground mounted solar farm with associated infrastructure | Land East Of Horsley Hall Wincote Lane Wootton.
Whilst each application should be considered on its individual merits, CPRE’s general position is that the environmental objective of developing renewable energy through large solar farms should not come at the expense of the beauty, character and tranquillity of Staffordshire’s countryside. We are also concerned about the loss of valuable agricultural land.
South Staffordshire Council
23/00851/FULMEI: Erection of 135 dwellings with associated access, drainage, green and blue infrastructure (including public open space, planting, landscaping, and part of a Riverside Community Park), ground remodelling and ancillary infrastructure. Land East Of A449 Land North Of Penkridge.
24/00427/OUTMEI: Outline planning application for the demolition of an existing dwelling and delivery of up to 165 dwellings and a first school. Land North Of Penkridge Stafford Road Penkridge.
We objected to these two applications as they could be seen as pre-emptive and potentially prejudicial to the council’s consideration of the new Local Plan. If approved, they would become windfall commitments and would not be open for representations and consideration at the Examination in Public of the new Local Plan.
23/00869/OUTM: Outline application for the proposed development of up to 50no detached dwellings (100% affordable), new medical centre, public open space, and associated infrastructure. Rear Of College Farm Close Westbeech Road Pattingham.
Reasons for objection: Located in the Green Belt, no indication of ‘very special circumstances’ to justify building in the Green Belt, no involvement of registered social housing provider, loss of trees and impact on biodiversity.
24-00793-OUTM: Outline planning application for the demolition of existing buildings, construction of up to 750 dwellings, a First School, up to 75 units of specialist older persons accommodation and a Local Centre, Bilbrook. We believe the decision on this Green Belt site should be deferred until the conclusion of the Planning Inspectorate’s examination of the new Local Plan.
23/01031/OUTM: Outline application for a 100 MW Battery Energy Storage System and associated infrastructure, planting and drainage. All matters reserved apart from access. Proposed Battery Storage Facility New Road Featherstone.
24/00487/OUTM: Outline planning permission for up to 100 residential dwellings. Land at Boscobel Lane, Bishops Wood. We objected to this Green Belt application on the grounds of being contradictory to the council’s policies. The site was not allocated for development in the Local Plan.
Staffordshire Moorlands
SMD/2023/0523: Installation of a solar farm comprising ground mounted solar PV panels with a generating capacity of up to 49.99MW including mounting system, underground cabling, stock proof fence, CCTV, internal tracks and associated infrastructure, landscaping, biodiversity net gain and environmental enhancements for a temporary period of 40 years.
Objection on the grounds of inappropriate development in the Green Belt, impact on the landscape and the cumulative impact of several similar local applications.
Walsall Council
24/0009: Erection of 115 dwellings, new access off Longwood Lane and associated infrastructure | Land west of Longwood Lane, Walsall, WS9 0TA.
Objection focused on housing justification, impact on Green Belt, landscape and amenity, biodiversity and flooding, and transport.
24/0411: Outline planning application for the demolition of existing dwelling and equestrian centre with erection of 4 detached 4-bedroom dwellings. All matters are reserved. Land rear of 127 Longwood Road, Aldridge, Walsall.
Objection focused on the impact on the Green Belt and protected trees, and transport access.