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St Johns Primary Academy Wins Green Schools Trophy

10th July 2024

Congratulations to St John’s C of E Primary Academy in Stafford, who have won our 2024 Green Schools Trophy. St John’s is working hard to engage all pupils with nature and the benefits of being outside.

This year they have taken an old unloved part of the grounds and using the ‘no dig’ method are trying to turn it into a wildlife haven. They have planted a mix of British wildflower seeds to encourage a range of wildlife to the area.

The school has also installed a pond onsite alongside wildlife planters, apple tree and bird feeders, and has planted fruit trees in its grounds. The kitchen does not use one-use plastic cups and the school building has solar panels on the roof. Children enjoy weekly Forest School sessions, and can join the eco committee, gardening club and the Junior Foresters’ Club.

The prize this year was a willow-weaving workshop run by Ellen Spry, one of our volunteers. Children had a great time making a willow divide during one of their Forest School lessons in July.

All Staffordshire schools were invited to showcase their conservation and environmental projects for a chance to hold the CPRE Green Schools Trophy for a year. Every school that entered the competition received a kit to make a bird-feeder out of willow.

Three children crouching down and weaving willow