Countryside under threat in Newcastle-under-Lyme
This is CT1, Land at Red Street and High Carr Farm, Chesterton, one of the sites proposed for development in the new Newcastle-under-Lyme Local Plan.
Our response to the current consultation on the First Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18 consultation) reiterates our opposition to the large amount of proposed greenfield and Green Belt development sites, which appear to form over 70% of the number of houses included in the proposed allocations. We also objected to the proposed alteration of the Green Belt boundary in Policy PSD5.
We are concerned at the encouragement of (undefined) ‘balanced growth’, how affordability will be improved and how choice will be provided. This could be seen to encourage the development of new housing in and around all villages. We regret that no account whatever is taken of potential windfall provision in Table 8 of the consultation document. An allowance for windfalls would be wholly appropriate and in accordance with the current National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
Our response to the 2021 Issues and Options consultation is here.